Palo Verde Elementary
For the 2024-25 school year, generous donations from parents and community members have allowed PiE to provide $176,743 to Palo Verde. These funds will be used to pay for:
- General classroom instructional assistants, so that every child has one more person available to support his/her needs in the classroom. The aides not only assist students, but facilitate teaching in the classroom so that students can spend more time in small groups and one-on-one with the teacher
- Fund the Spectra Art program, so that every child can have regular access to art lessons, building creativity and confidence
- Pay for sessions of Junior Museum and Zoo hands-on experiential science instruction linked to the PAUSD curriculum
- Fund a counselor who works with students one-on-one or in small groups to help facilitate and optimize classroom and social-emotional skills in students
- Through a grant to the district, PiE also helps fund the music and dance programs for all elementary schools
Your 2024-25 PiE Representatives are Ran Ran and Katherine Long. Questions? Please email them at
School Address & Phone Number:
3450 Louis Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 (650) 856-1672
“Every time I walk into a classroom, I see the fruits of PiE’s labors in full bloom. Our students enjoy art instruction led by professional artists, test their musical talents with dedicated music instructors, and dive deep with hands-on learning provided by the Junior Museum and other docent programs. Dedicated instructional aides work in each classroom to extend our goal of providing rich, student-centered educational experiences for all. PiE’s efforts have touched every child in this district for the better, and for that, I am extremely grateful.”
Annora Lee, Principal