Amie Franconi
Vice President of Leadership Circle & Community

Amie Franconi is originally from Dallas, Pennsylvania, and moved to Santa Clara, California, in 2015 when her husband’s company relocated their family. After spending a substantial amount of time in Palo Alto because her daughter attended Parents Nursery School, they made the move to Palo Alto shortly after. Amie began volunteering as soon as they moved to California, starting with her time at Parents Nursery School. During her daughter’s final year at the magical school, she was honored to serve as Board President. Once her daughter entered kindergarten, she enthusiastically started to volunteer in the classroom. In addition to hands-on participation in the classroom, she served on the Escondido PTA Executive Board for two years including one year as Executive Vice President, has been room parent for 4 years, and currently serves on Site Council.
Amie and her husband, Jonathan, have one daughter who is a third-grade student at Escondido. She and her family enjoy traveling, hiking and spending as much time as possible at the beach with their dogs, Sora and Tsuki. In the past two years, many of their weekends have been spent attending horse shows where their daughter competes with her pony, Dylan. Amie’s professional background is in accounting, but has found her high school guidance counselor advised her into the wrong field! She loves working with children and loves her role as an Instructional Aide at Escondido—another magical place!