Molly Melius

Director of Governance, Generalist

Molly Melius

Molly Melius has been an active PAUSD volunteer at Palo Verde and JLS, including serving on the Palo Verde PTA. Molly also enjoys supporting local youth sports and has volunteered as an AYSO youth soccer referee.

Molly is an environmental attorney and lecturer at Stanford Law School, where she represents non-profits and startups focused on sustainability. Molly has also worked as a Law & Policy Fellow at Stanford’s Center for Ocean Solutions, in private practice at a firm in Nashville, Tennessee, and at an environmental non-profit in Washington, D.C. Molly received her B.S. from Georgetown University and her J.D. from Stanford Law School. She and her husband lived in Palo Alto from 2006-2010 and moved back to Palo Alto with twin sons in tow in 2013. They love taking advantage of California’s outdoor lifestyle!