Fairmeadow Elementary
For the 2024-25 school year, generous gifts from parents and community members have allowed PiE to provide $212,961 for use at Fairmeadow. During this school year, these funds will:
- Pay for general classroom aide time, so that all classrooms receive multiple hours of vital classroom aide time weekly. Aides are an important part of the classroom experience at Fairmeadow, allowing for small group instruction and differentiation in teaching and learning
- Fund Spectra Art at Fairmeadow, so that all students receive art instruction every other week to foster creativity and confidence
- Fund part of an intervention specialist to ensure all students receive the most effective instruction possible through outreach and co-teaching
- Fund a licensed counselor who works with students one-on-one or in small groups to help facilitate and optimize classroom and social-emotional skills in students
- Through a grant to the district, PiE also helps fund the music and dance programs for all elementary schools
Your Fairmeadow PiE Representatives for 2024-25 are Sophie Che and Vik Kuttappan. Questions? Please email fairmeadow@papie.org.
School Address & Phone Number:
500 E. Meadow Drive Palo Alto, CA 94306 (650) 856-0845
“Palo Alto Unified is known for the quality education it provides to each student, and Partners in Education plays a large role in PAUSD’s success. Thank you to PiE funds for providing Fairmeadow with our general classroom aides and instructional assistants who support our students. Without generous PiE donations, Fairmeadow would not have the impactful experiences that music and Spectra Art provide. In addition, PiE funds provide Clubhouse Counseling, which supports the important social and emotional wellbeing of our children. I am grateful to know that each and every student in our district benefits from rich experiences and enhancements that are funded by PiE.”
Trebor Winslow, Principal