Fletcher Middle School

Thanks to parent and community support for Partners in Education, Fletcher will receive $265,115 to support its students for the 2024-25 school year. These funds are used as follows:

  • Additional Compelling Electives — PiE dollars allow Fletcher to offer a wider array of electives so that kids can discover subjects they love in school and help reduce elective class size. PiE helps fund staffing for electives in visual and performing arts (VAPA), career technical education (CTE), academic subjects and the new focus on Sustainability
  • Student Guidance and Support — PiE donations provide support for guidance counselors. This allows Fletcher counselors to know the students over their years at Fletcher, providing continuity and a deeper connection with individual students. Counselors also meet weekly with teacher teams to check in with teachers about students and help maintain student wellness and connections. PiE funds also help pay for work in the area of school climate and social kindness. PiE dollars also supports a psychological counselor, allowing for a greater level of support and swifter response to problems
  • Classroom Support — PiE dollars help support a Teacher on Special Assignment at Fletcher who helps ensure that technology is well-deployed throughout the school (which is increasingly important in this era of Common Core)

Your 2024-25 PiE Representatives are Nike Bharucha and Casie Walker. Questions about PiE? Please email them at fletcher@papie.org.

School Address & Phone Number:

655 Arastradero Road Palo Alto, CA 94306 (650) 856-9810

“Ellen Fletcher Middle School is fortunate to have a strong and valued partnership with PiE. We are grateful for the generosity from PiE that continues to allow support for our diverse elective offering, ability to provide supportive guidance counseling, additional technology resources, and increase our ability to foster social-emotional development in our students. PiE funds enrich the lives of our students and help to implant a love of learning in our community! The staff at Fletcher Middle School are extremely thankful! Thank you.”

Melissa Howell, Principal