Greendell, Young Fives and Special Education Preschool
For the Young Fives and Special Education Preschool programs at Greendell in the 2024-25 school year, generous donations from parents and community members have provided $5,513 which will be used in our classrooms to:
- Help fund our Music and Movement Programs that engage children in the performing arts through self-expression while building children’s gross motor skills, group engagement and social skills.
- Pay for invaluable hands-on learning enrichment such as: Science Excursions to Hidden Villa, animal science with the Junior Museum and Zoo, and Star Lab.
- Pay for additional instructional aide hours in Young Fives to provide more adults in the classroom and facilitate small group instruction.
- Help fund school-based counseling that helps all staff maximize social and emotional learning for all children
- Fund 25% of manipulatives and materials for hands-on experiences related to art, science, and math.
Your PiE Representatives for the 2024-25 school year are Ashley Tseng and Karen Kesner. Questions? Email
School Address & Phone Number:
4120 Middlefield Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 (650) 856-0833
“Greendell School is very grateful for PiE! We serve the district’s youngest learners in our Young Fives, Learning Centers, and Springboard to Kindergarten programs at Greendell. The PiE funds support enrichment opportunities in science, music, and movement, and instructional assistance to give all of our children continual opportunities for growing and learning.
We thank our Greendell families for supporting PiE.”
Nikole Manou, Principal