Greene Middle School

At Greene Middle School, the funds generously donated by parents and community members have allowed PiE to provide Greene with $367,008. The money will be spent in 2024-25 in these vital areas to impact all students:

  • Additional Compelling Electives — Donations to PiE enrich the electives environment and reduce elective class sizes at Greene. PiE funds will enable sections of Drama, Broadcast, Foods & Nutrition, Jazz Ensemble, and Play Production. PiE dollars allow Greene to offer a wide array of electives so that kids can discover subjects they love in school
  • Student Guidance and Support — Gifts to PiE help fund additional counseling time, allowing the counselors to know and support every student better. PiE dollars also supports a Wellness Associate Therapist, allowing for a greater level of support and swifter response to problems

Your 2024-25 Greene PiE Representatives are Yvette Mangalindan and Baiyang Qiu. Questions? Please email them at

School Address & Phone Number:

750 N. California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94303 (650) 494-8120

“At Greene Middle School, elective courses provide opportunities for exploration and skill development. Our students can use courses in visual and performing arts, and technology to explore a variety of careers and skills, helping them identify a career or field of interest. These courses are not only helping Greene students to flourish in grades 6-12, they are preparing students for high demand careers with a depth of learning that builds real-world skills, which helps Greene students graduate high school ready to enter the workforce, or enroll in a multitude of post-secondary education/training options. At Greene, the generous parent donations to PiE make it possible for our students to enroll in elective courses, such as Broadcast, Industrial Tech, Money Matters/Finance, Design Tech Studio, Creative Writing, as well as receive support from our Tech Teacher on Special Assignment and other IT support personnel. Greene students who take these elective courses know that they will be able to directly apply their learning to careers when they graduate from high school.”

Courtney Carlomagno, Principal