Juana Briones Elementary
For the 2024-25 school year, generous donations from parents and community members have allowed PiE to provide Juana Briones with $125,555 for use on our campus. At Briones, donations to PiE help every student by:
- Helping to fund the general classroom aides who work with kids in every regular education classroom
- Funding our Spectra Art Instructor who teaches every child creativity and confidence
- Funding school-based counseling that helps all staff maximize social and emotional learning for all children
- Through a grant to the district, PiE also helps fund the music and dance programs for all elementary schools
Your 2024-25 Briones PiE Representative is Rachaell Mondino. Questions? Please email them at briones@papie.org.
School Address & Phone Number:
4100 Orme Street Palo Alto, CA 94306 (650) 856-0877
“I am deeply grateful to know that every student in our district benefits from the rich program enhancements that the people and initiatives funded by Palo Alto Partners in Education provide. The impact of the work that our PiE-funded staff provide at Briones is boundless and made possible only as a result of the thoughtful and vital contributions of our donors in tandem with PiE’s relentless mission to provide the very best in learning opportunities for each and every child in our district. We are so very fortunate to have a community that values equitable access to such high-quality teaching and learning! THANK YOU, PiE!”
Katy Bimpson, Principal