Nixon Elementary

For the 2024-25 school year, generous donations from parents and community members have allowed PiE to provide $170,948 for use at Nixon. During this school year, these crucial funds will be used to:

  • Pay for general classroom aide time, so that all classrooms will get multiple hours of vital classroom aide time weekly. Aides are an important part of the classroom experience at Nixon, allowing children to build deeper connections to caring adults and facilitating small group work in the classroom
  • Pay for 100% of the cost of the Spectra Art teachers so that all classrooms benefit from regular art instruction, for multi-dimensional learning, creativity and building confidence
  • Pay for a professional counselor to support students and help with social skills, school climate, and whole-classroom instruction
  • Through a grant to the district, PiE also helps fund the music and dance programs for all elementary schools

The Nixon PiE Representatives for 2024-25 are Julia Hartung, Byron Hu, Shipeng Fu, LanVi Evans, Grace Lee, Christina Lohmeyer, Jung Wang, Stacey Moon, and Emily Lee. Questions about PiE? Email them at

School Address & Phone Number:

1711 Stanford Avenue Stanford, CA 94305 (650) 856-1622

“Our effort to provide an enriched program which meets all of the varying needs of our students is greatly supported by the funding we receive from PiE. These dollars make it possible for us to do what we know is good for our students. We are enormously grateful that we are spared the excruciating choices faced by so many of our colleagues in districts up and down this state where the learning experiences of children are limited by the lack of sufficient funds. Every student at Nixon benefits from PiE funding. Thank you for your generosity.”

Amy Sheward, Principal