El Carmelo Elementary

For the 2024-25 school year, generous gifts from parents and community members have allowed PiE to provide $151,632 for use at El Carmelo. During this school year, the funds will:

  • Fund general classroom aide time, so that all classrooms get multiple hours of vital classroom aide time weekly. Hours are greatest at the kindergarten level to help our youngest students grow accustomed to their new learning community and a full day schedule. Classroom aides are vital at El Carmelo, providing teachers with the flexibility to differentiate their instructional practice, teaching each child at his or her academic level. Instructional aides facilitate powerful one on one and small group teaching and learning in literacy and math in every El Carmelo classroom
  • Fund the Spectra Art instructors so that all children can have access to regular art lessons to build creativity, confidence, and a new way of looking at the world
  • Pay for sessions of Junior Museum and Zoo hands-on experiential science instruction linked to the PAUSD curriculum
  • Fund one-on-one or in small group counseling services for students to help facilitate and optimize classroom and playground dynamics and social-emotional skills in students
  • Through a grant to the district, PiE also helps fund the music and dance programs for all elementary schools

Your 2024-25 PiE Representative for El Carmelo is Melanie Curtiss. Questions about PiE? You can email them at elcarmelo@papie.org.

School Address & Phone Number:

3024 Bryant Street Palo Alto, CA 94306 (650) 856-0960

“We are so grateful for PiE at El Carmelo!

PiE funds provide enrichment in science, music, art, instructional assistance, social-emotional learning, and counseling to give our children continual opportunities for growing and learning.

Thank you to all of you who have contributed to PiE to make the best education possible for all our learners.”

Leonel Argumedo, Principal